Learning from Successful Chatbot Interactions

by Jeow Li Huan

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We often see reports about chatbots failing to deliver positive customer experience, such as one from Cyara that found “50% of customers said they often feel frustrated [about their chatbot interactions]; nearly 40% of these interactions were said to be negative.”

However, it is important to remember that not all chatbot interactions are negative. One should pause and examine those cases where customers did have positive chatbot interactions, and learn how they are done. Priya Dar highlights chatbots by HDFC, Dominos, Decathlon and IRCTC as good examples to emulate. These companies have made their chatbots intuitive and tailored to their customers’ journeys, making it clear how the chatbot can help the customers move towards their goal.

Have you had a positive chatbot interaction? Share your experience in the comments below 👇! Let’s learn from each other and create better chatbot experiences for all.

Chatbot interaction

By Priya Dar

It was a few years ago that chatbots became a huge thing - ease of use, customer experience, learn as you go were some of the big words used and were touted to be the next best thing in customer service.

Some of the good examples were HDFC, Dominos, decathlon etc. Recently had a chance to see the irctc chatbot for ticket buying. Amazed is the word…

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