The Power of Field Service for Customer Experience

by Jeow Li Huan

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Economic uncertainty is a time to invest in customer experience. Brian Solis told CIO Online why:

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Businesses compete on customer service

By Brian Solis on CIO Executive Editorial

Customer service, especially field service, helps companies outperform competitors and drive growth

Economic uncertainty is a time to invest in customer experience, not cut it, and field service is rife with opportunities to exceed customer expectations.

In economic uncertainty, it’s natural for executives to explore where to reduce spending, trim the fat, so to speak, and cut enterprising investments as a matter of caution. But this thinking is also counter-productive for all the reasons that make uncertainty so predictable. We can expect that every company is going to react this way in times of uncertainty.

In 2023, CIOs are guided to focus on enhancing workforce engagement, customer experience, and data and AI. These are identified as key areas where technology can drive business growth and increase…

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